The Arsenal
God has blessed us with the best weapons any Souldier can have. We have His Word. We have prayer. We have the opportunity to sit and commune with Him.
But can we be for real Soulsis?
It doesn't matter how amazing the weapons are if the solider wielding them doesn't know what she's doing.
I was she, she was me and I had no clue how to study to show approved (2 Timothy 2:15) nor did I know how to truly pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and I was completely clueless on how to meditate on God's Word day and night (Joshua 1:8).
This arsenal was hand-curated during my journey of getting rooted in God's unconditional love and truth. It is packed with devotionals, meditation prompts, prayers, and mindful activities specifically for you Soulsis.
The Holy Spirit sat with me through every page and in the stillness of God, these books were birthed.
You will be getting:
1. ROOTED: The Journey to Walk on Water
2. The S.P.A.M Guided Devotional
3. The S.A.U.C.Y Devotional
4. The Little Black Book of Prayers AND
5. Soulcial Awareness: A Meditative Journal
Are you ready to walk on water as the no-limit souldier God designed you to become?
Well, it's time to get ready, so you can stay ready!